Hope for the Hopeless

I realize that the title of this post is not very witty, but it is exctly what I experienced today. Today I met a lady named Josephina. She has three children; a 6 year old boy, a 4 year old girl, and a 1 year old. I want to give you guys a glimpse into her story:

Two weeks ago her father passed away after battling disease for two years. Last week they buried him, after the burial she decided to run home to grab some things before going back for dinner. When she got home she found her husband dead and laying on the floor, he had taken his own life. Now, her father-in-law,  after losing his son has become an extreme alcoholic and breaks into her house, steals her possessions and sells them to get money to buy more alcohol. On top of that her 6 year old son refuses to come home because his father is not there so he no longer wants to be there, he lives with Josephina’s mother. 

We asked her how she was handling all of this and she said she was feeling very very sad, rightfully so. She said she would feel better if her husband could come back and just tell her why he made the decision to take his life, but she iis so confused as to why he would do such a thing.

Theough all of this she and her mother have been encouraging each other. And she said they keep asking God to help them. In such a hopeless, hurtful, and confusing situation, they are trying to look to God. 

Please pray for this family, that they would cling to our Heavenly Father and find comfort and find hope.


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