Never getting married

So this is a post about my wonderful Guatemalan family. I have now lived with them for about a month and it has been an absolute blast. They not only welcomed Alison and I into their home, they welcomed us into their family. There are 3 girls in the house now, all American. Alison and I have lived there since May 23, and Taylor moved in 2 weeks ago. Having three girls is crazy enough but when the whole family is in the same room crazy is an understatement. My host parents names are Josè and Antonieta, they LOVE to make fun of us and are funny and sarcastic all the time. My host brothers…well, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Wilmar is 17 but refuses to be treated as a child, he always greets us with “Hola Chicas” in a very low very fake voice. Kevin is 15 and not home very often because he is studying to be a dentist, but when he is home he mocks everything and makes faces all the time. Jeffry  is 12 and attends the art school, all day he throws things at  me, trys to hit me in the head and walks past me and says “Chica crazy!” And is not afraid to show me up when we are playing soccer with each other. and Justin is 7, definitely the baby, he does everything he can to get attention and prove to his brothers that he is as macho as they are.. We all definitely have a sibling relationship, showing love as only siblings can. We laugh at each other, we make fun of each other, we throw things, we punch Each other jokingly in the arm, it is beyond great.

Today Antonieta invited us to make tortillas with her (a very difficult task). Antonieta is a baker and teaches classes and sells cakes. Wilmar was in the kitchen with us, making fun of me of course, because I am the worst tortilla maker EVER! Alison made perfect tortillas and Antonieta told her that she can now get married because Guatemalan women are ready for marriage when they can make tortillas. Because I can’t Wilmar decided that I will never get married, what a great brother. We continued to laugh until dinner and when Josè got home it got all the more crazy. We laughed and laughed and laughed. At one point we laughed at Taylor because Wilmar thought she was in the bathroom eating cake. At another point we laughed because of miscommunication. Then the Disney quotes broke out. This blog is not doing my family justice whatsoever. But long story short, I don’t know what I would do without them. 

When we’re not laughing we’re having discussions about how our days were. Josè works for a ministry in a near by town so we exchange stories about people we met and things that we did. We cry together and we rejoice together. It’s so great having a family to go home to and know that even if I had a bad day they will either simpithize with me or put a smile on my face.

Josè, Antonieta, Wilmar, Kevin, Jeffry, Justin, Alison, and Taylor will forever be counted as part of my family. How could they not?

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Hope for the Hopeless

I realize that the title of this post is not very witty, but it is exctly what I experienced today. Today I met a lady named Josephina. She has three children; a 6 year old boy, a 4 year old girl, and a 1 year old. I want to give you guys a glimpse into her story:

Two weeks ago her father passed away after battling disease for two years. Last week they buried him, after the burial she decided to run home to grab some things before going back for dinner. When she got home she found her husband dead and laying on the floor, he had taken his own life. Now, her father-in-law,  after losing his son has become an extreme alcoholic and breaks into her house, steals her possessions and sells them to get money to buy more alcohol. On top of that her 6 year old son refuses to come home because his father is not there so he no longer wants to be there, he lives with Josephina’s mother. 

We asked her how she was handling all of this and she said she was feeling very very sad, rightfully so. She said she would feel better if her husband could come back and just tell her why he made the decision to take his life, but she iis so confused as to why he would do such a thing.

Theough all of this she and her mother have been encouraging each other. And she said they keep asking God to help them. In such a hopeless, hurtful, and confusing situation, they are trying to look to God. 

Please pray for this family, that they would cling to our Heavenly Father and find comfort and find hope.


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Hit in the Face with more than just a Soccer Ball

      It has been a very interesting, very emotional past couple days. Yes, I did get hit in the face with a soccer ball today while playing with the art school students, it was the funniest thing you’d probably ever see. Me playing soccer against a bunch of Guatemalans and ending up with the ball flying at my face. (I scored a goal by the way!) However, while I wasn’t playing soccer I’ve been marveling at God’s presence. To give you a small glimpse of the happenings of the past two days: A 30 year old friend of my boss committed suicide leaving behind a wife and three young children. One of my students told me about her home life, she is 14 years old and is the only Christian in her family, her father is an alcoholic and her brother hits her siblings. I met a struggling couple, the husband is an alcoholic and the wife (God willing) is going to have her third surgery next week, they have 6 children. But I also watched 10 of my students draw pictures representing what hope means to them, it was so beautiful.

At the beginning of this week I was struggling. Struggling to see God, struggling to see the impact being made and struggling to let go of the teams that I spent the last 2 weeks with. During worship I sang the words “Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you.” Like I said in a previous post, God does not mess around here. He instantly began showing me His power and His love and the impact that S.I is making. I was assured that in the midst of questioning what He is doing, questioning why such a young man would leave behind his family, and why He would allow one of my beautiful students to lead such a hard life, that He does have a plan. He feels the pain that I do as my heart shatters for my new friends. I am reminded that in the midst of a heart breaking situation Jesus wept. Jesus wept just as I do. He care and He knows, and that is the best comfort. 

Telma, the woman who runs the art school with her husband, Carlos, told us today that last night she was praying, asking God to reveal to her what family we should visit today. She asked Him to lead her to a family that was in great need, not only physically but spiritually as well. He did. God lead us to a house that I walk past every morning while walking to the church. They have a small vegetable shop out front and I greet them each and every morning, but that was as far as my knowledge went about this family. Today, I learned more, today I learned that there is a story behind every pair of eyes, and behind every door to  every home. Ruth and her husband shared what has been going on in their lives and my heart broke once again and I began to ask God why. Ruth is physically sick and in pain and spiritually worn. Her husband is addicted to alcohol and has broken many promises to remain sober. She has lost all of her trust in him and he had decided that trying to regain it is a pointless and never-ending process. I was able to share with them that our King does not intend for His children to live in darkness and sadness forever. I shared with them the story of my father passing away the day after my sister was born and a few days before our house would be broken into. I shared with them that the Lord hears us when we cry to Him for help and that He wants to help us. One of the students working along side me in the art school for the next week shared with them her story of her father conquering alcoholism and being able to remain sober for the past 7 years. We prayed over them for at least 10 minutes, thanking God for their lives and asking the Holy Spirit to fill them and heal them. The power of 13 people all crying out to God for help, asking Him to be present in one small space is amazing. As we prayed for God to make His presence known in their house and in their lives the wind started to blow, this may sound insignificant to some of you but in that moment, it was breath-taking. After more prayer, many tears and many hugs we left their house, promising to continue praying for them and amazed by God’s unmistakable presence. Ruth’s story isn’t over, nor are any of the other stories I’ve hinted at in this post, but God has a plan. Salvation came to Ruth’s house today, just as it did when Jesus visited the house of Zacchaeus (Luke 19).

I don’t want to say that my eyes being opened to God’s presence and impact here has been less painful than getting hit with the soccer ball today, because it hasn’t been. It hurts in a different way though, this pain reminds me that God is so much greater than any situation we may go through. And makes me excited to put on the armor of Christ and continue fighting for my King, to show these people and remind these people that the love of our God is the only thing that can help us persevere.

“These [trials] have come so that your faith–of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire–may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed” ~1 Peter 1:7

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I see the sadness but I also see the redemption

I knew when I came here that some things I was going to encounter would make me cry. I knew when I came here I would meet people who would steal my heart. I was right. But, as usual, I was not completely correct and God still had some surprises waiting for me that I did not expect.

Let me introduce  you to my sweet new friend,Albertina. Her love is so abundant and her smile is contagious, her beautiful face refuses to leave my thoughts. I met Albertina on Tuesday of last week. She taught us how to make tortillas, we were unsuccessful but we all got a good laugh out of it. Albertina introduced us to her children and welcomed us into her home. We sat down as she jumped at the opportunity to share her testimony. Her testimony of healing, inside and out. 2 years ago she had a stroke, she was unable to move, unable to work, and unable to provide much of anything for her children. Now, two years later and after many days spent calling out to a God she didn’t know, she is healed. She now sells tortillas out  of her house and cleans the private school in town. She still gets tired and has pain while cleaning the shool but the administration says they do not want anyone else for the job.

On Friday we went to the school to see what the team there had been doing. As I was there spotted sweet Albertina and could not resist saying hello. When she saw me the joy on her face was indescribable, kind of like the face of someone seeing a long lost friend.


“What are you doing here?”

“I can’t believe it’s you!”

She embrassed me in a hug and went about her work because the group I was with was still talking. But when we were done there she was again, hugging me and asking how I was.

Now her story is constantly on my mind. Her testimony and how greatful she is to simply make tortillas and rely on God’s strength for cleaning the school constantly motivates me. Christina, a lady who works full time with S.I, told me that the poor do not want more stuff, they want to be heard. They want to know people hear them, know them, care for and about them.

When I came here I knew my heart would be stolen, but I didn’t know it would be stolen by an older woman who just wants to share how God healed her and continues to give her strength, and who loves with everything she is. Doña Albertina gives me hope, it radiates off of her. It saddens me how she lives and what she has endured in her life. But her story of redemption and healing trumps the feeling of sadness and replaces it with pure joy and love.

Albertina’s is not the only amazing story I’ve heard and/or witnessed while I’ve been here. But let me tell you, God does not mess around here and neither do His followers. The passion of the believers here is incredible and I have learned so much from them.

Praise: the stomach is feeling so much better, I go back to the doctor next Monday to confirm that I am parasite free!

prayer request: energy as new teams come in and start their outreach. Health for Telma, she is battling a nasty cold. that God would keep teaching me and showing me the desires of his heart as he introduces me to more of his children and people who unknowingly need him.

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Speed bumps

I’ve been in Guatemala for a little over a week. I’m sorry for the lack of writing but my other blog would not work. I decided to title this blog “a learning heart” because that is exactly what I am right now and what I hope to continue to be once this trip comes to an end (a day I’m not even going to think about right now).

Speed bumps. For those of you who have been to Guatemala you know exactly what I’m talking about. Almost every 10 feet on the roads here, there is another speed bump. Meant, obviously, to slow people down. These are not the only speed bumps I’ve experienced since arriving in Guatemala. I love this place more than I thought possible but I’ve been hitting speed bumps in my first week that slowed me down big time. For example:

Language: Communication has been a huge speed bump for me. I am not able to communicate as well as I would like to which has made me frustrated.

Culture: The culture is a lot different than in America, naturally. And I so enjoy it, but being aware of whether or not I am being insensitive has slowed me down a lot. As well as things such as exorcisms that I had never experienced before arriving here. 

Sickness: This has been huge. Since last Tuesday I have been feeling sick. I went to the doctor today and got my test results back. In the words of the doctor, there is a zoo in my abdomen. 1 parasite and 3 bacteria. The pain has removed me physically and mentally from what I want to be doing with my time.

However, even though speed bumps slow people down. Once you’re over them, you’re over them! All of this is worth it when I see the result of our work. The grateful smiles of the 7 people who’s 1 room home we painted and the tienda (store) front that we re-did. The giggles of children, who love without giving a second thought to whether or not you know what they’re saying. Being given the privilege of witnessing a young girl who attends the art school I work at give her life to Christ with tears streaming down her face.

I have no doubts that this is where I am meant to be at this point in my life. For these next 5 weeks. I hope this blog will continue to work, unlike my previous one, So I will try to update it soon and regularly.

Prayer requests:

-continued breaking of barriers between American students and Guatemalan students

-health. with 1 parasite and 3 bacteria, I am not always very ready to go and ready to work



Until next time,


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